Me: Well, so I'd cuddle up to you, but since you said you don't like that, I'll just stay over here on my side.
A: I never said I don't like it.
Me: Yes you did. You said "I don't enjoy it."
A: Exactly. It's not that I don't like it. It's that it's not enjoyable.
Me: WTF?! *giggles*
A: What?
Me: LOL. You're kidding me, right?
A: .............
Me: You know, it's not that it isn't fun, it's that it just plain sucks for me. *laughing*
A: *Trying not to laugh* Shut up.
Me: You know, it's not that I'm not attracted to you, it's that you're an ugly sack of shit. **convulsing with laughter**
A: *stifling giggles* Oh, go to sleep.
5 minutes of quiet pass.......
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I like to cuddle until it's time to go to sleep. Then I do NOT want to be touched.
You sound just like my husband. Except for the part where your statement makes sense, anyway. ;)
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